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Detox Acne

Having blemishes can make you feel insecure, and it can also be painful. Fortunately, there are treatments and skin care products that can reduce acne. Provided you undergo the right treatments and support the treatment at home with the right products.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in humans and often occurs during puberty, but can also be present in adults. Acne is caused by an inflammation of the sebaceous gland follicle. Various factors play a role in the development of acne, such as hormonal fluctuations, stress and nutrition. Excessive sebum production and old skin cells cause clogged pores, which means that the sebum does not drain evenly. 

If Propionibacterium Acnes bacteria is added to this, an inflammation occurs where you speak of acne or inflamed clogged pores. The result of the excessive sebum production is seen by many people as an obstacle in daily functioning.

An acne treatment often consists of a deep cleansing in combination with a chemical peeling. The goal of the treatment is to bring the skin into balance, which reduces inflammation and prevents scarring. With the deep cleansing, blackheads, sebum accumulations, milia and pimples are removed. The salicylic acid peeling is usually used in an acne treatment. Salicylic acid has a fat-dissolving capacity. It penetrates deep into the pores, where it immediately dissolves all accumulated sebum. The perfect solutions for acne and blackheads! In addition, salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect, works well against swelling and reduces redness.

Acne treatments are performed in combination with home skin care products. The result will last longer if you use good home products and supplements to maintain the result. Depending on the severity of the acne, it may be recommended to do a 'touch up' peel every now and then to prevent a possible relapse.


This treatment cannot be performed if you are sensitive to or use any of the products listed below.

  • Roaccutane (vitamin A acid)
  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Tetracycline
  • In case of a cold sore
  • Eczema

Before and during treatment:

Do not shave, wax or epilate the treated skin for at least 24 hours before treatment.

After treatment:

Because the fruit acids continue to work after the treatment, it is important up to 24 hours after the treatment:

  • Don't shower too hot
  • Don't go to the sauna
  • Do not sweat excessively (e.g. through exercise)
  • Do not wax or shave
  • Do not sunbathe

Skin care advice after treatment:

  • Use a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher
  • Support the skin with the right home care

Treatment price


60 min

Treatment price


60 min