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📲 0611582189

Multi-Technique Facial Care

Combine up to 4 technologies

The Multi-Technique skin-improving facial treatment has been developed to give you the freedom to find a suitable solution for every skin type and budget. The technologies used come from the field of medical aesthetics. They are non-invasive, painless techniques, which exclude all types of risks. These technologies are combined with the best and highly dosed ingredients and formulas that have a real biological effect on the skin. 

The initial effect of the treatment can be seen almost immediately after the session and becomes increasingly visible up to 6 weeks later.


This treatment cannot be performed if you are sensitive to or use any of the following products:

  1. Roaccutane (vitamin A acid)
  2. Benzoyl peroxide
  3. Hypersensitivity to peeling fluid (glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid)
  4. Open skin
  5. Hypersensitive skin
  6. Tetracycline
  7. In case of a cold sore
  8. Eczema

Before and during treatment:

  • Do not shave, wax or epilate the treated skin for at least 24 hours before treatment.

After treatment:

  • Don't shower too hot
  • Don't go to the sauna
  • Do not sweat excessively (e.g. through exercise)
  • Do not wax or shave
  • Do not sunbathe

Skin care advice after treatment:

  • Use a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher
  • Support the skin with the right home care

Treatment price


Treatment price
